Main harvester of the country

31 October 2013

Upon the results of 2012-2013 agricultural year, ACROS keeps the positions of the main grain-harvesting machine in Russia. More than 57% of Rostselmash harvesters sent to the regions of the country were the harvesters of this model.

The greatest demand for this model of harvesters is felt in the south of the country. 24% of all the machine shipments were made to the farms of Rostov, Krasnodar and Stavropol Regions last agricultural year.
Equally with southern regions, the grooving demand for the harvester is felt also in other regions of the country: Altay, Irkutsk, Belgorod, Volgograd, Lipetsk, Kurgan and other regions. The export potential of ACROS has been significantly grown for six years of its production. Besides Kazakhstan and Ukraine, the machine was successfully operated in Baltic Republics, Romania, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan and many other countries for many years. Deliveries of ACROS to Lithuania increased by 20% last year. Export to Bulgaria has grown for more than twice for the last years; deliveries to Poland and Hungary started.

According to the experts, the main factor of such popularity of the model is its efficiency. From one hand, ACROS feels itself confidently in high-yield fields. From another, the harvester allows to finish harvesting within short terms in farms with medium crop capacity, but adverse agro-climatic conditions. It was confirmed by competitions The best Russian machine operator, held by Rostselmash in 2010-2011. ACROS, the winners in the nomination, had grain output up to 8500 tons of cereals per season.
— I think, that such high parameter could not be possible without high-quality materiel, moreover, that the materiel had to be operated for 12 years a day, — said Raul Hairulin from Kurgan Agricaltural Assosiation MUSA, the winner of The best Russian machine operator competition.

The second factor noticed by the experts is large line of the model modifications: 530, 560, 580, and 590. Series of optional decisions, availability of adapters for harvesting of various cultures significantly improve the machine efficiency, seasonal load and quality of harvesting works.
— Rostselmash is the customer-oriented company. For the final customer it means individual approach at designing, optional equipping the machine and its servicing in the future, — commented Alexei Moshnenko, Marketing Director. — Namely such approach allowed the Rostselmash Company to create ACROS, which confidently took its niche in the agricultural materiel market.

About us

The Rostselmash Group of Companies is included into five largest world manufacturers of agricultural materiel. The Group of Companies includes 13 enterprises. The production facilities are situated in the territories of Canada, Russia, USA, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. The Rostselmash product line comprises 24 types of agricultural materiel, and more than 150 models and modifications. The Rostselmash materiel is the selection of customers in 26 countries of the world. The branched dealer network guarantees operative servicing all over the world.