Together with Rostselmash. Farmers of the country set records

1 February 2021

The program "Setting Records Together", which started last spring, has been completed. In December, Rostselmash summed up the results, which are impressive in both quantity and quality. Recall that in April, the company announced the launch of a program for farms operating on combines and tractors of the latest generation. It was supposed to demonstrate that with competent settings and skillful actions of operators, the capabilities and resource of modern equipment are much greater than those used. Eight months later, we can say that the program has fully achieved its goals.

It should be noted that the past agricultural year was difficult. For example, in the Volga region, a drought and a small yield did not allow agricultural machines to turn around to full. However, even in difficult conditions, the operators working on the Rostselmash equipment showed bright results.

The regional authorities and Rostselmash dealers played an important role in the campaign, they provided great assistance: they jointly certified the reporting forms, helped the participants with consultations and operational service support. As a result, the program "Setting records together" allowed all participants to prove themselves as a professional in their field and a team player.

"The goal of the "Setting Records Together" program is to demonstrate the capabilities of modern technology in the hands of real professionals. In order for agribusiness to be effective, it is necessary to use advanced technologies and high-quality means of production. The company provides both. Thanks to our joint work, the country's food security is being strengthened, and harvests are growing in the regions and in the country as a whole. We see our next task in spreading the best practices of the winners of the program, " the representatives of the Rostselmash company comment.