Rostselmash completed another round of trials of smart E-systems
Rostselmash jointly with Rusagro, its long-standing partner, completed another round of trials of smart E-systems. This time the holding provided its fields near Belgorod for commercial testing of RSM’s Router system.
Engineers from Rostselmash and Rusagro worked together to define the test requirements and conditions. The two companies were satisfied with the results of the system tests, further areas were identified which will be refined at the following testing phases, such as tilling.
The vehicle field operations optimization system–RSM Router developed by Rostselmash–is part of the project dubbed Autonomous Farm. This is the logic that considers the parameters of the field and machines and plots the best path for the vehicles to follow in the field. The system generates task maps and can send tasks for a machine or a group of machines directly to the RSM Agrotronic Pilot 2.0 automatic guidance system. And the application also predicts the unloading locations based on grain tank capacity, productivity and yield levels, and sends in advance unloading geolocation with an accuracy down to 10m to the Agrotronic system on board the transfer vehicle.