Rostselmash presented a line of agricultural machinery to Czech agrarians

9 October 2017

In the Czech Republic, a display of Rostselmashmachinery was held within the framework of Farming Day Agricultural Exhibition. Rostselmashpresented a wide range of its machinery to the exhibition visitors: grain and forage harvesters, new sprayers, a cultivator and harrows.

RSM 161 grain harvester was presented at the exposition of Rostselmash. Being powerful and unique, it surpasses many of its alternatives in terms of performance and threshing quality. The machine operates efficiently in complex soil conditions, high humidity and impurity conditions.

- This harvester can operate in all the seeding regions of the Czech Republic. It can be used with various adapters for harvesting growing spiked grains, grain legumes, legume crops, cereal crops and picking them up from windrows, harvesting seed-bearing herbs and vegetables, sunflower and grain maize, which suits our farm perfectly, — Marcela Benitsov, Head of Agrokon Farm commentedon the harvester performance.