Latvian Agrarians Choose Rostselmash

9 March 2017

Under the program “One Day at Rostselmash”, Rostov-on-Don was visited by a group of top management of agricultural enterprises from Latvia. They familiarised themselves with the manufacturing technologies and discussed the issues of further renewal of the machine and tractor fleet of the region with the Company top management and specialists.

- Today, when purchasing machinery, the agricultural producers assess all the factors affecting its efficiency: the price, quality, performance, versatility, cost effectiveness, repairability, service. All of them are looking for the happy medium — the best value for money. Today, my choice preference is ACROS 580. This harvester is convenient, efficient and meets all my requirements, — Jānis Vaļko, Director of Klyavas enterprise emphasised.

Achieving target indicators requires a solid resource base and equipment. In an effort to solve this issue, many successful agricultural producers from Latvia place their stake of the products of Rostselmash, thus proving by way of their own example the great capabilities of the domestic agricultural machinery manufacturing.

- To get high yields, it is necessary to renew the available fleet. During the recent years we have been purchasing Rostselmash harvesters, — Keveris Aivars, Director of Meldri says. - The quality of harvesting operations and performance coupled with the reasonable cost of ownership are the main indicators in the harvesting process. In terms of these parameters Rostselmash machinery is beyond competition.

According to the results of the program “One Day at Rostselmash”, all the agrarians noted that the harvesters’ simple rational design and a wide choice of auxiliary equipment allow for using the machines in the most adverse conditions with equal success. Due to a number of design features, the harvesters demonstrate amazing performance.