Effective agricultural machinery for Polish farmers

20 June 2016

Rostselmash took part in the agricultural exhibition «Mazowiecka Wystawa Zwierzat Hodowlanych w Poswietnem», which was held in Selinko. Polish exhibition lasted two days. The exhibition gathered farmers who are interested in improving their business effectiveness.

Rostselmash presented a modern product line at its stand. A key element of the exhibit was agrain harvester RSM 161. This model contains a perfect balance of price (half the price of analogues), performance, flexibility and comfort. A unique threshing system TETRA Processor, a six-straw walker, OptiFlow cleaning and a number of other innovations with 22 patents, allow it to work where other harvesters can not.

“The exhibition was created following the results of a direct survey of potential customers in such a way as to demonstrate agricultural machinery and equipment which are the most popular among them,” commented a representative of a dealer in Poland.