Rostselmash standards in Europe

15 July 2015


The quality of service support and the availability of spare parts are the key points for farmers from any country while choosing  the agricultural machinery brand.

That's why Rostselmash aims at minimizing the time of spare parts delivery to their clients. The essential principle of corporate service program is "The spare part to the field in 24 hours". All Rostselmash dealers have been working in accordance with this program for years. 

A couple of years ago the company has launched the network of regional spare parts warehouses across Russia to support its partners during the harvest period. Now, such network is operating in Europe as well. Inter-regional warehouses were opened in Kedainiai (Lithuania) and in Győr (Hungary).

Thanks to them, the Rostselmash machinery owners should not worry about the availability of the required spare parts. The range and volume of stocks of these warehouses are formed based on the analysis of Rostselmash machinery presented in Europe, and the characteristics of its exploitation. Thus, the stock-list of the Lithuania’s warehouse counts more than 500 different spare parts, in Hungary - more than 3 500. Moreover, all spare parts have already passed the customs clearance.

Alexander Yushin, Director of Rostselmash Spare Parts Sales Department, clarifies:

- There are 26 company’s dealers operating in Europe, each of them have its own stock of Rostselmash spare parts. New warehouses are opened in addition to the existing ones. Besides the standby warehouses were created on the territory of Rostselmash in Russia for effective stocking of the European warehouses with the same stock-list and amount of goods. Thus European warehouses and standby warehouses in Russia with dealer’s centers form an integrated logistic’s network operating in a single electronic system. By means of this system Rostselmash would receive on-line data about the storage balances and stock them quickly.

According to A. Yushin, Kedainiai and Győr were specially chosen for inter-regional warehouses. Its geo location was taken into account: it allows to deliver the goods to other countries within 24 hours. Thus, the Lithuanian spare parts warehouse covers Latvia, Estonia and Poland, and the warehouse in Hungary – all the other European countries. The new spare parts warehouse in Hungary fully covers the service needs of the increasing amount of the machinery in Central Europe. Besides, Rostselmash European representative office is situated in Győr, this helps with quick decision-making.

The partners for the logistics Rostselmash project were  selected to meet the requirements of the corporate service standards. The companies’ experience of working with the spare parts was taken into account as well as their developed infrastructure facilities (access roads, cargo handling capacity, multi-level storage, loading machines working between shelves, a modern system of accounting). Therefore, the Lithuania’s warehouse is organized on the basis of the dealer’s center «Agrokoncerno Technika» and in Hungary Rostselmash employed the services of a well-known logistics operator - «ATI-DEPO», which has good history and an extensive branch network, favorable for the further Rostselmash project’s development. DHL Express, one of the world’s largest logistics companies, is another partner of Rostselmash in Europe, it’s also a guarantee of quick delivery of spare parts. 

Our main aim is not just to minimize the waiting period of our clients, not just to strengthen the brand presence of Rostselmash in the European region, but to ensure our customers in the EU with uninterrupted service support of our agricultural machinery. This is especially important because of the growing interest to the Rostselmash machinery at the European market, - said Alexander Yushin.