Keeping step with the time. Rostselmash celebrates 85th year anniversary

18 July 2014

On July 21, the Rostselmash Company will be 85 years. Namely that day in 1929 the first 5 workshops of 18 planned ones started their work. The production of peasant run, lateral rake, tractor ploughs, and seeders started, and the first batch of products were shipped.

The development of Russian and world harvester-building is strongly connected with the name of Rostselmash.
Born in the years of the first five-year plans as the one of main machine-building enterprises of the USSR, Rostselmash today acts as the leader of the sector by providing the country with stable positions in the first five of world manufacturers of agricultural materiel. To be modern not in respect of the form, but in respect of the spirit — it is the slogan, which assists the company during the whole history to keep the status of authoritative player in the international market of agricultural materiel, to look forward confidently, setting new targets, and being the first in the most beginnings.

Thus, in 1930, the Rostselmash specialists produced the first local harvester called as Kolkhoz. The enterprise produced the famous Stalinets-1, which brought the young Russia the first international acknowledgement in 1937. Namely Rostselmash was ordered to produce the first self-propelled machines in 1958. And the total quantity of harvesters produced by the enterprise for 85 years (more than 2.6 million units) is also the unique factor in its sector.

It is impossible to create modern materiel without application of the same instruments. Rostselmash introduced the most advanced production technologies, most of which were also applied at the first time during construction and further reconstructions connected with transferring to production of new models of the machines.

For example, in 1929, the subject of special pride of the Soviet workers were the furnaces of flameless burning installed in metal-forming workshop or special device for wood-cutting chips, which allowed to maintain constantly the cleanness and freshness of the air in the workshops. In those times, it was the last achievement of production hygiene. When transferring to self-propelled harvester in 1958, the company’s specialists, the first time in the country, developed and successfully introduced the combined production way of harvester assembly with technologically closed cycle.... The huge complex of measures connected with introducing the advanced technologies was carried out when transferring to harvesters SK-5 NIVA and DON family. Many of these measures were fulfilled without stopping of main production.

The 2000s were not less richer for events. For the last 10 years, starting from 2004, the enterprise produced 5 principally new harvesting machines (VECTOR, ACROS, TORUM, RSM, and KSU), without considering their various modifications. In many aspects, it was the result of upgrading the production, application of the most advanced technologies at all stages of creating the products: Во многом он явился результатом модернизации производства, применения самых современных технологий на всех этапах создания продукции: automated write-through designing system, robotized complexes for cabin welding, painting lines, processing centers, laser-cutting and bending equipment park largest in the South of Russia, induction furnace for production of high-duty cast iron, and warehouse terminal of A-class.
Introduction of the most above also led Rostselmash to the first place in the sector.
All these aspects allow the Russian company to keep confidently the highest level of product quality, to be the first in its sector by protecting the leadership of its country at international level, by bringing new victories into receptacle of its achievements. In particular, Rostselmash holds world record in tillage processing achieved in 2010 (417ha for 24 hours). And the threshing-separating device of TORUM rotary harvester, which was awarded with silver medal in the innovating competition of SIMA-2005 international exhibition, remains unique today also.

The enterprise was awarded with Labor Red Flag Order (1930), Lenin Order (1956), and October Revolution Order (1971) for the significant contribution in the country’s economy. 8 Heroes of Social Labor and 14 Heroes of Soviet Union worked at Rostselmash in various period of time.